Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Last Chapter


Today, you have no pain.
Today, your arms aren't bruised.
Today, your legs work like they used to.
Today, you can eat all the black walnut ice cream and black licorice you want.
Today, you can reach up high with both arms.
Today, you get to see Dale again.
Today, you get to see your beautiful mom with the "raven black" hair.
Today, you are surrounded by probably too many animals that have been awaiting your arrival.
Today, you can see well enough to enjoy the view and read a book.
Today, you can read a book or article top to bottom and remember it.
Today, you can breathe without coughing.
Today, your knee doesn't click anymore.
Today, you can wear red and purple together -- you can dress yourself again.
Today, your teeth are pretty and white and all accounted for.

I hope you are eating oranges with Grandpa under a tree.
I hope you are laughing, smiling, singing something ridiculous.
I hope you get to fly -- in an airplane or in some kind of supernatural, angel-y way.
I hope you're having a good, long talk with your mom.
I hope you're petting Oscar. And Shaggy. And Tiger. And Ring. And Cocoa. And...and...and...
I hope you feel loved.

I love you so dearly. Thank you for the lifetime of love, laughter, and crazy.

All my love,